March 12th, 2019
Today's Question - What number is next in this irregular series: 20, 80, 76, 19, 23, 92, 88, __?
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - The missing number is 22. The series revolved around 4: 20 x 4; 80 \xe2\x80\x93 4; 76 \xc3\xb7 4; 19 + 4.Doesn't match Missing info Like question
March 11th, 2019
Today's Question - How many "witches" were burned in Salem, Mass. during the hysterical period of the Salem Witch Trials?
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - There were a total of 20 people executed for witchcraft during the Salem trials, but none of them was burned. Nineteen were hanged and one was crushed to death by placing progressively heavier stones on his chest.Doesn't match Missing info Like question
March 7th, 2019
Today’s Question - I'll meet you halfway. Generous Gene comes back from the potato patch with a sack of potatoes. To the first friend he meets he gives half the sack plus half a potato. To the next friend he gives half of what he has left plus one half a potato. To the third friend he gives half of what's left plus one half a potato. Now the sack is empty. How many potatoes were originally in the sack? NO COMMENTS FRIDAY Cashin’s Comments March 7, 2019 Page 3 of 3
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - Generous Gene began with a sack of seven potatoes.Doesn't match Missing info Like question
March 6th, 2019
Today’s Question - In the non-capitalized alphabet some consonants go up like b,d,f,h,k,i and t. Others go down like p,g, etc. or stay level c, m. etc. Find a hyphenated adjective that contains 6 of the 7 uppers and may describe an idea. (Hint: _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _)
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - the hyphenated adjective with 6 of the 7 upper consonants was "half-baked" (at least that\'s my theory).Doesn't match Missing info Like question
March 4th, 2019
Today’s Question - "I think my watch stopped" - When the day after tomorrow becomes yesterday, that "today" will be as far from Sunday as "today" would be from Sunday when the day before yesterday becomes tomorrow. What day of the week is today?
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - Boy did Sister Herman Joseph love these "day before the day after" puzzles. We would set up the days of the week (some kids used a circle) and move "today" around like a checker. In the puzzle we gave, one definition would move the checker 4 paces, in the next 3. Since that\'s asymmetrical, the answer would have to add up to 7, which would bring us back to - "Sunday" - that\'s right. \x0c Cashin\xe2\x80\x99s Comments March 5, 2019 Page 3 of 3 A) civic chaos (4); New Englanders (8) B) get even (6); garbage collector (9) C) slim (4); Union (9)Doesn't match Missing info Like question
February 28th, 2019
Today's Question - If 73 hens lay 73 dozen eggs in 73 days and if 37 hens eat 37 quarts of corn in 37 days, how many quarts of corn corresponds to 1 dozen eggs? HOPEFULLY, WINDING DOWN ON THE MEDICAL TESTING. NO COMMENT FRIDAY
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - If 73 hens lay 73 dozen eggs in 73 days than 73 hens lay 1 dozen in 1 day. Further, if 37 hens eat 37 quarts of corn in 37 days than 37 hens eat 1 quart in 1 day. So to get a dozen eggs you must feed 73 hens for 1 day. To get that you divide the hens needed (73) by hens fed by 1 quart of corn (37) which gives you the answer of a fraction less than 2 quarts.Doesn't match Missing info Like question
February 27th, 2019
Today's Question - One of our Founding Fathers (and an early Minister to France) was an inventive tinkerer. Among things he invented were - the "dumb waiter" and the folding attic ladder. Who was he?
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - The inventor of the "dumb waiter" and the folding attic ladder was Founding Father...Thomas Jefferson.Doesn't match Missing info Like question
February 21st, 2019
Today’s Question - Vanna say "Oh!" - While "E" is everywhere, the letter "O" can be prevalent. For example, Door to Door and Voodoo Doll are two common phrases of 10 letters having only "o" for a vowel. Can you think of a 4 word phrase (15 letters) that has only "o's" and means thorough or thoroughly? NO COMMENTS FRIDAY
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - The common four word phrase that only has "o" for a vowel is - "From Top to Bottom."Doesn't match Missing info Like question
February 14th, 2019
Today Question - Some words begin and end with the same two letters (e.g. "edited"). Can you guess these: Cashin’s Comments February 14, 2019 Page 3 of 3 A) __ __ i __ __; B) __ __ bl __ __; C) __ __ epsa __ __; D) __ __ risco __ __ (all items). NO COMMENTS FRIDAY HOME REPAIR WORK
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer to both ends: A) Onion; B) Emblem; C) Keepsake; D) PeriscopeDoesn't match Missing info Like question
February 13th, 2019
Today's Question - (Trickery Here!) - Can you write down 5 odd figures that add up to "14"? (Each number is odd.)
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - We warned you of trickery - The 5 odd figures that add up to 14 are all ones, as in 1 + 1 + 1 + 11 = 14.Doesn't match Missing info Like question
February 11th, 2019
Today’s Question - What three numbers give the same result when they are added as when they are multiplied.
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - The easy twin letter add-ons to "RATE" are "OO" and "MM" making Roommate. See you around the Dorm.Doesn't match Missing info Like question
February 7th, 2019
Today's Question - Can you name at least four English words that end in "dous"? NO COMMENTS FRIDAY BACK TO MEDICAL TESTS
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer \xe2\x80\x93 The four best-known words ending in "Dous" are Stupendous, Horrendous, Tremendous and Hazardous.Doesn't match Missing info Like question
February 6th, 2019
Today's Question - A talkative woman hailed a cab in New York. She kept talking to the driver and asking him questions. He never responded. When she tapped him on the shoulder he said "I'm sorry lady. I'm deaf as a post. I can't hear anything you're saying." When they arrived at her stop, she failed to tip him because he was lying. Explain!
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - The woman knew the taxi driver was lying about being deaf because he took her to the destination she specified when she first got in the cab.Doesn't match Missing info Like question
February 5th, 2019
Today's Question - If 3 milkmaids can milk 3 cows in 7 minutes, how many cows can 6 milkmaids milk in 70 minutes?
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - If 3 milkmaids can milk 3 cows in 7 minutes then six milkmaids could milk 60 cows in 70 minutes. (And then they need a nap - both maids and cows.)Doesn't match Missing info Like question
February 4th, 2019
Today's Question - Alan hosted a charity luncheon. The total ticket sales was $9,540.00 and the attendance was between 70 and 100 people. If everyone paid the same amount, how much was each ticket and how many people came. (Hint: The ticket cost is in dollars - no cents.)
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - Given that the tickets are in even dollars, then each ticket cost $106 and 90 folks showed up.Doesn't match Missing info Like question
January 31st, 2019
Today's Question - Happy Birthday! - Bob is 33 years old today. That is three times as old as Nick was when Bob was the age that Nick is today. How old is Nick? NO COMMENTS FRIDAY As Wonder Woman Joins Medical Carousel
January 29th, 2019
Today's Question - You have nine seemingly identical rare coins. But you are told one coin is short weight. How can you find the light coin in two weighings? (You only have a balance scale.) NO COMMENTS WEDNESDAY DOCTOR APPOINTMENT
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - Finding the short weight coin - divide the 9 coins into 3 sets of 3 coins (A, B, C). Weigh A versus B. If they balance, the short coin is in "C" (if they don\'t balance, the problem coin is in the lighter set). Having identified the problem set, weigh two of those coins. If they balance, it\'s the third coin.Doesn't match Missing info Like question
January 24th, 2019
Today's Question - There are lots of words with double consonants in them, usually SS, TT, or LL. Can you think of a common word for each of these doubles: HH; KK; WW. As a bonus how about II & UU? January 24, 2019 Page 3 of 3 NO COMMENT FRIDAY But hope we're nearing the end of the tests.
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - to the credibility thing - The day would be Thursday. Cain could only say "I lied yesterday" on a Thursday (F) or Sunday (T). Abel could say so only on Monday (F) or Thursday (T) so the only fit is Thursday.Doesn't match Missing info Like question
January 22nd, 2019
Today's Question - You are on an island where there are only liars and truth-tellers, and they look and sound alike. You are on a dangerous journey, because there is a fork in the road that can lead either to quicksand or to safety. When you arrive at the fork, the signpost is gone but there are two men standing there. You know that you can ask only one question of only one man. What question can you ask either of them that will tell you which road is safe? No Comments Wednesday Will Be Absent - Having an Endoscopy Charming
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - (To best understand, assume the two roads are "A" and "B" - with "B" leading to quicksand.) You would ask one of them what road would the other man tell you was "the safe one." Then you would choose the opposite of whatever that answer was. Thus the "liar" would claim the other would point you to "B" \x0c Cashin\xe2\x80\x99s Comments (quicksand). But the other would truthfully point out that the "liar" would direct you to "B" (quicksand). Either way the answer would be quicksand and you should do the opposite.Doesn't match Missing info Like question
January 19th, 2019
Today’s Question - Complete this logical alphabetical progression: ABCBCDCDEDEF???
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - Assuming the wicks are not wildly different all candles burn equally brightly.Doesn't match Missing info Like question
January 17th, 2019
Today's Question - Which candle would burn brighter - a tall thin one or a short fat one? NO COMMENT FRIDAY MEDICAL STUFF
January 16th, 2019
Today's Question - A Metroliner is approaching Penn Station at 114 inches per second. A passenger in one car is walking forward at 36 inches per second relative to the seats. He is eating a foot-long hot dog, which is entering Cashin’s Comments January 16, 2019 Page 3 of 3 his mouth at the rate of 2 inches per second. An ant on the hot dog is running away from the passenger's mouth at 1 inch per second. How fast is the ant approaching Penn Station?
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - The ant is approaching at 151 inches per second. (One inch faster than the man's mouth and three inches faster than the surviving end of the hot dog.)Doesn't match Missing info Like question
January 15th, 2019
Today's Question - We know you memorized the state capitals in grammar school. So, you should be able to answer this without looking anything up. There are five state capitals that begin with the letter "A". Four of them are east of the Mississippi. What are these capitals and what are their states?
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - The four state capitals east of the Mississippi that begin with "A" are: Atlanta (GA); Augusta (ME); Annapolis (MD) and Albany (NY). West of the Mississippi would be Austin (TX).Doesn't match Missing info Like question
January 8th, 2019
Today’s Question - Fill in the blank - Insert the correct math signs (+ - x ÷) to make the equation correct: 7 __ 8 __ 20 __ 32 = 44
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - In the sequence: ABCBCDCDEDEF, the next 3 letters would be "EFG." The progression is in 3\'s as ABC, BCD, CDE. \x0c Cashin\xe2\x80\x99s Comments January 10, 2019 Page 3 of 3Doesn't match Missing info Like question
January 7th, 2019
Today’s’ Question - If a hen and a half laid an egg and a half in a day and a half - how many eggs would three hens lay in three days?
Reveal Answer
Corner Answer - If a hen and a half lay an egg and a half in a day and a half - that means one hen takes a day and a half to lay one egg (while the 1/2 hen is laying 1/2 egg in the same time). So in three days one hen would lay two eggs and three hens would thus lay six eggs.Doesn't match Missing info Like question