Today's Question - Hey! Wait a minute! This ruler has no numbers on it! - Here's the old 3 bottle puzzle with a twist. - The 3 bottles have 3 shapes - round, square, and Bowl. The square holds 3 pints more than the bowl shaped. The round bottle holds 4 pints more than the square shaped. How could you use these 3 bottles to measure exactly 1 quart of water into a pail? (Hint: It's less than 10 moves but remember you do not know the full capacity of any of the bottles.)

Reveal Answer Corner Answer - The quart can be found in 9 moves. 1) Fill the square with water. 2) Fill the bowl shape from the square bottle. 3) Empty the bowl onto the ground. 4) Pour what's left in square into the round. 5) Fill the square bottle again. 6) Fill the bowl with water from the square 7) Pour what's left in the square into the round. 8) Fill the square bottle with water again. 9) Fill the round bottle with what is in the square bottle. What is left in the square bottle should be 1 quart.

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